Published on October 26, 2020

A desire to make a difference led Jenna to pursue a career in policing. Stationed in Sydney, Probationary Constable Jenna Kennedy (2017) is ready to rise to the day-to-day challenges she will undoubtedly encounter.

Police officer smiling

Why were you interested in the police force?

I initially commenced a Bachelor of Social Science majoring in Criminology at the University of Newcastle but I just wasn’t getting any satisfaction with the course and I actually wasn’t convinced the course was really going to lead me to a career that I would be happy with, so I soon turned to policing.

I felt policing would provide me with many career opportunities and is a job where I could make a difference. 

We understand that the training is tough – what was your experience?

Training was difficult and with COVID-19, even more so. I couldn’t train with large groups and our onsite gym was closed.

The most challenging aspect for training was not actually the physical/mental training but the many hours of studying required.

At the completion of my training I was surprised at how emotional I was at my attestation parade. I think the culmination of what I had achieved at the Police Academy, under very challenging conditions, and the reality of what I was about to undertake suddenly became real.

Can you offer any advice to other students considering a career in policing?

Embrace all the training, both physical and mental, and do it with confidence. The training can be very confronting and intense, so be prepared to be put well out of your comfort zone. You will also need to be prepared for a lot of studying.

What is your ambition as a police officer?

I am currently undertaking my three years of general duties. I will use this time to decide which path I would like to take in the force. I know I don’t want to be on general duties for much longer than three years and I am hoping to branch out to a squad or specialist unit in the future. I have also given some thought to joining the Australian Federal Police.

If you’re a past student of HVGS, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.